Forums / Cotonti / Support / How to Make new Theme

#42521 2016-12-12 12:55
#42474 n0fx:

How i can change 404 page ?

Locate `error.tpl` within your theme files, copy it to `error.404.tpl` and modify it for your needs.

I got so much security logs like:

A variable type check failed, expecting COOKIE/ALP for 'ct66deea74dc5db9a1' : MTgxMDcxOmIzZGNmYjlkNGU2YzFkMjAzNzI3ZWIzMTM4YTRlMDBjYWY4MzBmYjM= - /  

What's problem? How i can solve it? 

It seems to be a minor bug related to Auth system. Issue #1557 created. And already fixed... Thanks for report. :)

How i can be sure shield protection is working? I didnt see any log about that. Normally I got so much because of bots.

Check is it enabled «Administration panel»  → «Configuration» → «Security».  And try to play with `Shield timers` and `Anti-hammer` values, and test some action (e.g. comments send as a guest). 

I saw on the admin page "Confirm potentially dangerous actions:" What does mean and how is working If I enabled ?

If enabled the system displays confirmation dialogs (yes/no) for dangerous actions like deleting some thing (e.g. user post or page category, and so on).

I want to send mass e-mail to my users about new website and when they click to spesific url they should login to website directly. how i can do it? do you have a idea ?

It's potentionaly dangerous. There is no such functional in the core. So you need to write some plugin for it.

I am using hybridauth plugin. facebook is working well but I couldnt get e-mail, birthday and location information. I know cotonti was using before this plugin. did you have same problem ?

I can not remember exactly. But think it can be related to permissions you setup in FB API while registering your application.
правильный хостинг —
This post was edited by Macik (2016-12-13 08:57, 7 years ago)