Forums / Cotonti / Support / How to Make new Theme

#42304 2016-11-08 08:53
#42302 n0fx:

 found {PAGE_ROW_NUM}

What extension / section / template you are edit?

I used for news plugin

Yes, you can use {PAGE_ROW_NUM}. (Or with direct variable access — {PHP.jj})

how i can change pagination html tags ?

Look at `system/resources.rc.php` → «Pagination» section. You can redefine this variables in your `theme_name.php` file.

This is very good but I also need to change <p class="paging"> ? Actually I want to change to <ul> <li>

Unfortunately, `<p>` wrapper is hard coded in many templates. So to fully change it you need to rearrange whole template.

But you can use a little «hackaround» — add wrapper to `$R['link_pagenav_first']` and `$R['link_pagenav_last']` as listed below (… denotes other paging related code):

$R['link_pagenav_first'] = '</p><ul class="mypaging">…';
$R['link_pagenav_last'] = '…</ul><p class="paging">';

So final rendered HTML whould be:

<p class="paging"></p>
  <ul class="mypaging">
    …you pager code…
<p class="paging"></p>

So just add `p.paging{display:none;}` to your CSS to eliminate unnecessary paragraphs.
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