Forums / Cotonti / Development / Plugin which adds a random value to the database on each page load

#40732 2015-03-22 17:55

Yeah, its for Genoa, I still have not moved over to Sienna :)

But, I do not understand what you mean with: 

$location = 'Pages';
$z = 'page';

I am using $ses_userloc which got its value from a database query (checking where the user is from the sed_online table). Your code gets values from where?

Added 16 hours later:

Ahhhh, I see. Location is already an available variable so I dont have to query the DB for the location at all. ($location)

I am just unable to find where this is actually being set. Its not in the common.php and I also found nothing in the functions.php. Any idea where the value of location is actually gotten from?

<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
This post was edited by foxhound (2015-03-23 10:50, 9 years ago)