Forums / Cotonti / Support / Trying to update from Genoa, red fatal errors big time.

#38586 2013-11-25 02:28

Okay, very happy because it seems the update went witout errors.


I have some concerns tho, since this was just a test to make sure everything would go okay, and also gives me some time to configure plugins and convert the skin over... what will I do to get my latest DB over?


Will i have to drop files all over again to convert the database? how will that work or can I just drop the latest cotonti Genoa (from my live site, when im ready to switch) and then run the install.php once more? or is that a bad idea?


Check it out !


Heres the Site

Added 4 minutes later:

I see that somehow, the news feed is still not showing up :/ it did show up once yesterday in my attempts to update the site, but now it seems to be the only thing missing from the home page.

Added 21 minutes later:

Just to make it clear to anyone who searches in the future, the problem was fixed for me, by uninstalling the tags plugin. maybe the fixed file posted above would of fixed it, i dont know.


I really can't figure out how to fix the news feed / posts not showing up on home page, for now i guess i'll work on the skin, i wish i could find a documentation containing all tags or documentation on making a skin with suggestions for tags to input but i guess its not needed when i can look at existing skins. 

Added 41 minutes later:

Okay, looks like the tags and info about that are listed in the documentation, but you have to turn debug on, which I did... and then attach &tpl_debug=1 to the end of the url? well my urls don't look like the example ones and further they don't work they show up 404 not found.


Not sure what i'm doing wrong i also noticed the news button on home page nav does not work its not found showing a cotonti siena message about not found. that sucks.


I"m trying to decide the best way to do this with the skin, but I have a big css file, how to merge idk. and what to do with that its kind of a headache right now just wish I could see a list of tags in a doc somewhere saying THIS is what you can use in the header tpl and this is what they do for each tag.

: / very exhausted 

Added 42 minutes later:

Looks like the news works here

crazy, why it won't show on index tpl.

<a href=""></a>
This post was edited by singh336 (2013-11-25 04:15, 10 years ago)