Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Foster - admin theme

Nice and clean admin theme for Cotonti Siena.

#37774 2013-08-12 07:12

Hmm, I don't have any errors, I normally work on this tpl. BUT... I remember there was something odd with this section.

1. Which Cotonti does he use?
2. If not, maybe he should copy the TPL of this section from default theme? Should display if it's tpl issue.
3. Then maybe he can gradually format the tpl like it looks like in foster theme.

I think something might be wrong with the TPL because in the "HTML template" form field of the extrafield, the html get cut out (no endtag). If I copy the basic tpl there, everything is correct. I saw you're not using all system tags, like {ADMIN_EXTRAFIELDS_ROW_HTML} - I'm not sure if it's a good idea, the TPL might not be compatible with the system later with the development. But sure... the select field looks very nice thanks to this :/


This post was edited by tensh (2013-08-12 07:24, 10 years ago)