Forums / Cotonti / Support / [help!] Multiple installations setup

#37050 2013-02-19 08:51


Because I've encountered many problems with subdomains and wildcards, I decided to setup a multi-instance website. The question is: how to do it?

Can I just install Cotonti 3 times, but make it share the user table (by changing the prefix of table in config)? How about sharing pfs, sessions/users? Do you have any experience with it?

I won't be using different databases, just change prefixes I think.

Added 2 hours later:


This is my setup:
- I have multihost enabled.
- I copied site ID to the installation in subdomain
Do I miss anything?
$db_x= 'cota_'; // Default: cot_, prefix for extra fields' table(s)
$db_xx= 'cot_'; // Default: cot_, prefix for extra fields' table(s)
$db_auth= $db_xx.'auth';
$db_cache = $db_x.'cache';
$db_cache_bindings= $db_x.'cache_bindings';
$db_core= $db_x.'core';
$db_config = $db_x.'config';
$db_groups = $db_xx.'groups';
$db_groups_users = $db_xx.'groups_users';
$db_logger = $db_x.'logger';
$db_online = $db_xx.'online';
$db_extra_fields= $db_x.'extra_fields';
$db_plugins = $db_x.'plugins';
$db_structure = $db_x.'structure';
$db_updates= $db_x.'updates';
$db_users = $db_xx.'users';
$db_pfs= $db_xx.'pfs';
$db_pfs_folders = $db_xx.'pfs_folders';

Added 14 minutes later:

It seems that I have problems with permissions... :/

I need some advice. Hmm... rename some modules to prevent mess?

Added 1 hours later:

Edit2: okay, I separated auths for each site. Only groups, users and pfs tables are shared.

Added 5 minutes later:

I also turned off auth cache.

So far it looks good.

Added 3 hours later:

Hot to log in and out into/from all subdomains? So far I have to log in separately to each subdomain instance.

This post was edited by tensh (2013-02-19 15:24, 11 years ago)