Forums / Cotonti / Skins / HTML5 Boilerplate

Topic for html5 boilerplate theme for cotonti

#36889 2013-01-27 17:32

It's meant to be a completely barebones theme. Only to be used as a starting point. So there will really not be anything visually.

Added 14 minutes later:

Any cleanup that is still needed? I'm still working on the page and news templates..

Added 48 minutes later:

Ok making things easier and put the theme on github ahead of the time that I wanted to. That way I don't have to create a zip except when I feel that it's nesscary for a release. Hopefully this should be up to v1 status soon

Edit: Whoops just realized I forgot the link - Here it is

This post was edited by milleja46 (2013-01-29 11:59, 11 years ago)