Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / User API documentation?

#36364 2012-11-30 19:33

What you need is just the current user object which is $usr / {PHP.usr} depending on whether you are in PHP or TPL. It has some commonly used properties which are set in system/common.php lines 322-336:

$usr['id'] = (int) $row['user_id'];
$usr['name'] = $row['user_name'];
$usr['maingrp'] = $row['user_maingrp'];
$usr['lastvisit'] = $row['user_lastvisit'];
$usr['lastlog'] = $row['user_lastlog'];
$usr['timezone'] = cot_timezone_offset($row['user_timezone'], true);
$usr['timezonename'] = $row['user_timezone'];
$usr['theme'] = ($cfg['forcedefaulttheme']) ? $cfg['defaulttheme'] : $row['user_theme'];
$usr['scheme'] = $row['user_scheme'];
$usr['lang'] = ($cfg['forcedefaultlang']) ? $cfg['defaultlang'] : $row['user_lang'];
$usr['newpm'] = $row['user_newpm'];
$usr['auth'] = unserialize($row['user_auth']);
$usr['adminaccess'] = cot_auth('admin', 'any', 'R');
$usr['level'] = $cot_groups[$usr['maingrp']]['level'];
$usr['profile'] = $row;

What you need to check to know whether the user is logged in or not is this:

if ($usr['id'] > 0)
	// User is logged in
	// This is a guest

There are actually more fields available for users than listed above. All fields present in `cot_users` table (including extrafields) are available via $usr['profile'] array. For example, here is how you can get the avatar image path:



May the Source be with you!