Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / Data to TPL with AJAX question

#35726 2012-10-04 06:52

Within the foreach, you need to do a parse('MAIN.TEST_ROW'), not an out().

At the end of your file, you need to do this:


Usually you use out() only once: for the MAIN block at the end of your php code.

You can omit the 'MAIN' in out(), because it's the default value. To seperate your html code for a=update you may want to add the UPDATE block. Also, you'll often want to be able to show a message if there aren't any results:

if ($a == 'update') {
    $rows = $res->fetchAll();
    if ($rows) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
                'TEST_USERNAME' => cot_build_user($row['test_userid'], htmlspecialchars($row['test_username'])),
                'TEST_MESSAGE' => cot_parse($row['test_message'], $cfg['plugin']['comments']['markup']),
                'TEST_DATE' => cot_date('M jS', $row['test_date']),
                'TEST_DATETIME' => cot_date('G:i', $row['test_date'])
    } else {

A complete tpl could look like this:

<!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->
<!-- BEGIN: UPDATE -->
<div id="update">
  <!-- BEGIN: ROWS -->
      <!-- BEGIN: ROW -->
      <!-- END: ROW -->
  <!-- END: ROWS -->
  <!-- BEGIN: NO_ROWS -->
  <!-- END: NO_ROWS -->
<!-- END: UPDATE -->
<!-- END: MAIN -->
This post was edited by GHengeveld (2012-10-04 07:37, 11 years ago)