Forums / Cotonti / Development / Siena list tags and other tags, and some questions

#34126 2012-04-27 13:26


Is there a tag in Siena that shows category path, usable in breadcrumbs?

Also, is there a tag like in Genoa, which shows parent category {PHP.LIST_PARENT}?  Was very useful to show active css of a menu.

BTW, is it intended that in menu placeholders there's only html parsed, not special tpl tags? It would be nice if TPL tags would be parsed as well, it would allow to place cfg menus with some flexibility inside.

As for extrafields, there's a setting "parser" (default or none). Can it be that there will be additional html parser, and switching this setting on would create e.g. textareas with the ckeditor html editor? Would be so nice to have html extrafields with this editor in admin menu, e.g. in structure extrafields.

by now I achieved it in a fast way, by adding this code in system/admin/tpl/admin.structure.tpl (inbetween OPTIONS section):

This post was edited by tensh (2012-04-27 13:32, 12 years ago)