Forums / Cotonti / Support / Menu Navigation On Page

#33264 2012-02-24 20:51

Okay, so I have looked fairly through the documentation provided a couple of weeks ago and found nothing... so I let it be, but I really feel like if there was one improvement to make to the layout I am working on, it would be (e.g. navigation on this page) the ability to make it so that when you are on a certain page the navigation appears as it does when hovered on. I was thinking this would be some kind of if operator through the .tpl files, because it wouldn't seem to make sense it being anywhere else.

However, the problem with this logic as well would be that page.tpl files would all appear as either (1) the services or (2) about us section, being as they are both going to be governed by the page.tpl file with the skin I have designed. So, the only logical way I can think would be an IF operator that says "Hey, what's the url?" If it's page.php?c=about or page.php=?c=services, as well as it may be page.php?id=#, as I have not determined how I really feel I want the Services section displayed.

I'm guessing some kind of global operator that creates a {SERVICES_ONOFF} or something would be easily able to be done as that could switch the ID to show the hover element of #services:hover or maybe just something that I could say... um maybe... style="background-position: 0 -53px;" would be easily done as well, actually would probably seem more effecient as I wouldn't have to create #home:hover, #about:hover, etc.

What's the trick? These are all my brainstorms. Hopefully, I didn't lose you.

Username: tester4
Password: cotonti1234

In case, you want to see it. The FOOTER is NOT finished so don't crit me about no Cotonti Powered type thing at the bottom, I'll get to it. I'm still unsure of how I want the bottom to display. Also, places where announcements drops down are well known about in the pfs and the pages, not like you'll be able to see it, but yeah. Gimme any crits you have other than that! Thanks.

This post was edited by peptobismal (2012-02-24 21:00, 12 years ago)