Which CMS should I move to?

22.2% 2
55.6% 5
22.2% 2

9 Date 2011-12-17 20:45

Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Poll: Time to give up ?

#32178 2011-12-19 21:25
#32176 Twiebie:
#32169 urlkiller: 

(some sidenote here: we should *maybe* remove (merge) that type of topics beacause it dont makes a good impression on new users seeing 100 post about how bad support/skins/plugins are)

I think it's best to be clear and honest about things and to not hide the fact something is wrong.
If people don't point out what is wrong, it can't be fixed.
Agreed, it can only be a posotive thing to show issues are being addressed.