Which CMS should I move to?

22.2% 2
55.6% 5
22.2% 2

9 Date 2011-12-17 20:45

Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Poll: Time to give up ?

#32169 2011-12-19 15:29

NOOOOOOOOO! Another one down sad

I agree on some points with Diablo. But still this is failry the best and versataile System i came across on the internets.
But Maybe its really better for the impatient to move along to new green madows...

Me for my part stay here and if i have more time i will do more and more frontend stuff as i did before @ neocrome.
Skinning/ and nice UI Plugins.

But i can also understand the feeling that here are only some guys (no idea how active the russian forum is right now) and only the half of them release stuff for free (or at least keep the nice stuff for you).

maybe we need a showcase or something that is more appealing to the eye... most people go visual.
In my opinion this system can do the same as drupal or any other system but you have to work for it harder because of the lack of other supportive users.

(some sidenote here: we should *maybe* remove (merge) that type of topics beacause it dont makes a good impression on new users seeing 100 post about how bad support/skins/plugins are)

Added 3 minutes later:

and we should maybe talk again about the marketing of that cms.

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