Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Gallery of URLkiller

#29005 2011-03-20 07:39

This is the config string:


It renames the original file to page_ID.EXT, uploads it into the ./datas/agencies and builds a thumbnail sized 140*100 and saves it in the same folder (and writes page_ID.EXT to the page_avatar extrafield)

The code:

<!-- IF {PAGE_AVATAR} --><img src="./datas/agencies/thumb_{PAGE_AVATAR}" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /><!-- ELSE --><img src="./datas/agencies/nologo.png" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /><!-- ENDIF -->

Checks if page_avatar is filled out and outputs the thumb. If no file is uploaded it outputs the nologo.png - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти