Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] Widgets

Manage simple widgets

#27495 2010-12-14 18:53
It's not a problem, hooks are cached. The thing you're suggesting is what we call event handlers, and I think Trustmaster was working on something like that. Actually, we don't loop through all of them, we just loop through an array of plugin file paths which are to be included by that hook. All of them are used (assuming the plugin actually does something with the hook, but that's usually the case).

Widgets was designed to make simple things very easy to set up, if you're doing complex stuff it's better to write a separate plugin for it. For example you can use it to include 3rd party widget code, such as the Twitter widget, Google Analytics, AddToAny buttons etc. Mostly Javascript. Whether or not to use rloader is up to the site admin.