Forums / Cotonti / Support / Little help please

#25773 2010-08-25 07:08
you know, webdevelopment is always thinking out of the box.

you need to work with the things you got and i always try to find the most easy way to produce the effect i wish. you should really check out / learn a bit about jquery because you can A. do the Programming pretty fast easy and B. is very easy to learn and understand.

there are tons of more cool things you could do with the <!-- IF --> blocks and jquery only with templates.

just a idea with that: you could build a list that shows some small thumbs on the bottom or so?

yeah it looks very cool how you worked it out! Good Work!

but remember if you have 2000000000k images in that list all of them need to get loaded first! so this is only a solution for ??? Images...

also check out that page:
the example with the pagination ;) you need only add pager: '#navigation' in the jquery startup and add a new #div with the #navigation the plugin then should build there a pagination for all items in the list. style them with #navigation a {bla}

edit: i made a mistake with the styles i added in the tpl. i wrote a#mynextbutton but the id is on a <div> element ;) so you need to set the id on the <a> or delete the styles...
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>