Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / EZUserpicker plugin

Userpicker for PM

#25079 2010-06-27 07:59
you have to see it as the user.
if you want to send a message you most likley now already his name, you dont "search" for a person to write to. thats what i meant.

but both would be cool.

one way that i experience most with my clients is that they need some sort of guidance.
so if you let them have too much options they just got "overstacked" and dont want to use a system.

the other thing is that searching dont really fell within the 3 click rule. i mean that the user needs to have more than 3 clicks until he can send the message.

1. click on pm
2. click on new message
3. click on search
4. press search
5. select user
6. send message buttton

better would be with autocomplete (of course search option is really usefull but maybe not so mass-compatible)

1. click on pm
2. click on new message
2.a enter name in AC
3. send message

ok just my 2 cents
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This post was edited by urlkiller (2010-06-27 08:04, 13 years ago)