Forums / Cotonti / Support / What influences the login time?

#24913 2010-06-09 15:24
What should be correct (universal?) settings for cookies?

Added 13 days later:

Another question would be: does Cotonti use ssl without any problem?
I'm wondering about SSL login page.

I'm also open for possible ideas on what can influence the quick loging out - I pretty much don't know what should I look for, but clearly it's from the server's side (without changing any settings in Cotonti, during recent server system "improvements" the login time was drastically shortened, so it kicks me out of Cotonti after a couple of minutes)

It's very frustrating also for my users, who get logged out as they hit "post a message", and no message is saved.
This post was edited by tensh (2010-06-22 17:53, 13 years ago)