Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24215 2010-04-20 04:42
For me it's been enough to see we should not drop bbcodes and multiple parsers completely, but rather focus on HTML and provide more options and choice.
So keep the choice.
Yes, but it would be a REAL choice, not a solution like:
"you can use pure HTML with WYSIWYG editor but, at the same time, as now is, your Cotonti system must continue storing two tables in your database (page_text and page_html) and its Core must continue doing double work (sorting everytime the appropriate parser) to keep compatibility" :(
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust