Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24190 2010-04-19 00:00
OK, guys, this has been a hot discussion and I'll try to summarize some conclusions I've made out of it:
  1. Multiple parser support is still required
  2. World-class HTML parser/purifier/editor is preferable for pages/contents. In most places bbcodes are being phased out.
  3. BBcodes are still good for community sites
  4. But nl2br has to go for good, a more versatile bbcode parser with correct paragraphs is required

Considering this, I have proposals such as:
  • Keep the system multi-parser
  • Provide multiple parsers and editors attached to them
  • Let users choose parsing mode and customize parsing/filtering settings on global level and for some specific modules
  • HTML parser and WYSIWIG-capable editor should be default in new installations
  • BBcode parser needs a smart paragraph-aware replacement for nl2br

I was also worried about the fact that including HTML purifier and CKEditor into Cotonti package would increase the 7z size by more than 500kB. So far the survey shows that we can afford it.
May the Source be with you!