Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24181 2010-04-18 09:22
to be true i will let this in your capable hands.
i have faith that you guys will surprise me with a cool innovative new "Textboxer"
but with a factor of 1000 ;)

and i think someone who needs to administrate a site should be at least aware of some html knowledge.
and if he needs a pointer some fancy wysiwyg editor with premade tables and picture size etc. (i think the current table feature sucks to be true, cool for rudimentry formatting but the old one could do widths) so some tables visualised with red borders like in thunderbird would be cool.

i dont know why this should be such a problem having the user choose at installation or via config wich parser they would like to use? Migration is easy i think so everything should be ok with the HTML solution for me... there is no realy difference then.
URL shortener: <a href="!7AD5C7">!7AD5C7</a>