Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24157 2010-04-16 22:38
How is BBcode killing Cotonti?

BBcode serves its purpose perfectly fine and should be unchanged. My only point was, BBcode in no way should be removed.

The options should be something like this

  • BBcode(default)
  • BBcode with Filtered/Limited HTML
  • Filtered/Limited HTML
  • Pure HTML(could allow it, but not recommended)

Then the owner can also choose an appropriate editor for their needs. I've also seen features which could allow it to be possible for Users to decide which editor they want to use themselves

This can even be expanded to how bbcode is now already, which allows you to chose where its parsed or not pages/forums/etc

All above ideas & suggestions make very little sense because you're mostly talking about malicious code threats via contributors and contributions. This is no typical situation. Most projects do not involve any contributions requiring rich-format capabilities from an untrusted contributor

While this is true. It doesn't take but a moment for someone to get mad/angry, disagreements or fights to occur or whatever else, and for someone to suddenly one moment decide to do something malicious. So regardless of yes that in most causes that's not an issue. We can't just throw off over to HTML and hope for the best.
This post was edited by Kilandor (2010-04-16 22:56, 14 years ago)