Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24144 2010-04-16 20:32
Honestly nothing should change with BBcode at all.

BBcode IMO was created for 2 reason.
  • To prevent and stop malicious injections of html.(course sometimes this isn't always the case with malformed bbcode)
  • For ease of the end user. Anyone can figure out BBcode in a couple of minutes and is made to be user-friendly and for ease of use.(while HTML is not)

If you set 2 average people down, show them BBCode to make a message, and then HTML Most would go straight for the BBcode and understand it easier I think.

Example From a Game Site I'm running
  • [item]120000474[/item]
  • [item]>Bloody Flame Earrings[/item]
  • <a class="aiondb-item-full-small" href="">Bloody Flame Earrings</a>
Depending on if you use ID or name, it queries to get the opposite name/id, even without that if it straight output the link. Honestly which would you rather do or expect your users to use?

Even personally when working on forums and such. Prefer using BBcode over HTML.

Yes there are editors out there that can handle it, and do that for you. I think it would be a huge loss to remove BBbcode. Alot of times they also make a mess out of the html/bbcode.

What should be done is like most all cms/forums do. Have an option that turns on limited HTML parsing for people who want to use it. To allow some HTML tags to be entered directly.

The only option I could go for is to have multiple parsers. A global switch would be horrific to goto HTML only. I honestly don't think I could ever justify upgrading Cotonti if such a switch took place.
This post was edited by Kilandor (2010-04-16 22:30, 14 years ago)