Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / New Chat plugin ! (have a go at the demo)


#24113 2010-04-15 03:43
Just finished a plugin called EZChat..

It is a lightweight (performance optimized!) plugin for chatting.
It uses chatrooms :)!

You can go there and test it yourself... tell me what you think off it.
This has been a lot off work for me.

Tech talk:
Ajax, JSON, it is hammer proof.
A lot off processing is done on the client side (javascript), this to minimalize performance
on the server side .

Added 38 minutes later:

By the way.. what I also want to know if other languages work... (special charaters)
like russian, polish etc.... etc...
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2010-04-15 04:21, 14 years ago)