Forums / Cotonti / Development / Question PFS

PFS new system

#23168 2010-02-24 01:07
1) Yes it's multiupload
GREAT!!! ;)
But i think that Koradhils work is for folders in folders ?????
Yes, Koradhils work was based on folders in folders mode.
So, I actually use folder mode, in other words: datas/users/user_id/files.ext (one folder per user).
Koradhils mode was: datas/users/user_id/subfolder1/files.ext, datas/users/user_id/subfolder1/subsubfolder/files.ext... then FISICAL folders... :/
I think if my website has 1000 users and each has at least 20 subfolders under his PFS folder, the datas/users/ folder on the Server would be a real jam, with many problems...

I think the old lady (but folder mode, not old userid mode) it's good enough.
The only features we need are multi upload, better TPL, better interface when pasting a file in markitUp editor (with the ability to insert also alt and title attributes for images and href description for other files...
Also, I would have the ability to view and use files that are uploaded like plublic by any user, so, if you upload a file in your file space and you set it as public I also can link to that file from my "file insert" module in markitUp...
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
This post was edited by donP (2010-02-24 01:15, 14 years ago)