Forums / Cotonti / General / [questions] about Cotonti Dev.

#22161 2010-01-18 22:19
Hello and welcome to Cotonti! I'll answer your questions in short

  1. Siena is currently in active development state and we'll try hard to release it in March. But this may change, depending on how much time we'll be able to spend for it.
  2. There is no clear deadline for 1.0, because we implement its features gradually with every major release. So 1.0 comes "when it's ready".
  3. The plugin/module API is going to be changed a bit by 1.0 (most probably earlier in 0.9). The changes are not very dramatic and we will provide documentation and migration tools as well. So if you make a plugin now, you can be sure it will take you about 5-15 minutes to upgrade it for 1.0.
May the Source be with you!