Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Make extra options in recentitems plugin


#20990 2009-11-17 18:58
Trunk is the development area for Cotonti.

This is where the team works on Cotonti

While everything should be in working order, it should be considered developmental, and very well may not be fully working/finished yet. But i'm fairly certain the new recent items is.

Personally on my new site, i'm using a trunk version. But I would only recommend that to users wishing to test, or bug hunt, or just to try it. Its not necessarily wise to put into a live site

If you want to try the plugin anyways. You may download the trunk here and just grab the plugin from it and try it out, but it may or may not work fully with an older version.

Also 0.7.0 is a major release as we are now 0.6.5 means its a minor release, which is fixes/patches to 0.6.0