Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / XSAffiliates, show more then 1 random image in index.tpl

#16615 2009-08-31 03:28
$sqlxsaff = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_xsaff_aff WHERE aff_active='1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,NUM_YOU_WANT_TO_SHOW");
while($rowxsaff = sed_sql_fetcharray($sqlxsaff))
	$t->assign("XSAFF_IMAGES", "<div class='centerall'><a href='plug.php?e=xsaff&m=redirect&id=".$rowxsaff['aff_id']."'><img src='plugins/xsaff/affimg/".sed_cc($rowxsaff['aff_img'])."' style='width:88px;height:31px;border:0px' alt='".sed_cc($rowxsaff['aff_desc'])."' /></a></div>");

Just change NUM_YOU_WANT_TO_SHOW to how many you want to see, and add a new block(begin/end) around the tag called XSAFF