Forums / Cotonti / Support / Configuration panel

I get none

#15647 2009-08-07 15:13
I've commented those lines and...


No code at all! blank page on browser and blank source code :O

I've tried also enabling debug_mode in config.php but no file was created :( How can I find the mistake?

Added 13 minutes later:

FOUND the error (I must revert to local job in wampserver to see the errors, why?)!

It was an error in reCAPTCHA plugin (so I advice you to correct the version on this site) that was pointing to a non existing language file...

In plugins/recaptcha/recaptcha.validate.php there was this line
it's to rewrite correctly like this:

It was a hard finding, cause I didn't think it could be that plugin as I've also commented the lines of code the invoked it in users.register.tpl... X-(
And cause I thought that errors could be so visible also with live website on my Server... :/
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
This post was edited by donP (2009-08-07 15:28, 14 years ago)