Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Ideas / Updated PFS system

A new version for PFS

#14936 2009-07-27 19:22
It's not that interesting to see yet. I've kept the looks of it mostly the same. Here's what I've done so far:
- Infinite subfolders
- Physical folders
- Prep for flash uploader (using Uploadify now, SWFupload gave some issues)
- Added configuration option for enabling/disabling flash uploader and added 'Dynamic' thumbnail generation option
- Gave each PFS file its own template file (pfs.tpl, pfs.editfolder,tpl, pfs.edit.tpl, pfs.view.tpl)
- Main pfs now fully skinnable (other parts will be done soon)
- Added tag for the current path (to display "PFS / Parentfolder / Currentfolder" - each clickable)
- Now shows 'new folder' also inside a subfolder (and sets 'parent folder' option to the current folder)

- Moving and copying of files/folders
- Drag&drop files/folders
- Fix flash uploader to write to database (now only uploads the file, doesn't add db entry)
- Incorporate SLIR in a way that it is backwards compatible with old thumbs system
- Add directory tree view
- Allow file sharing between users
This post was edited by Koradhil (2009-07-27 19:34, 14 years ago)