Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / XTemplate 2.0

Brand new minimalistic implementation

#14817 2009-07-23 18:48
In 0.0.7, I have problems with conditional tags... the below isn't working. Members don't see anything, which is correct, but whatever other usergroup logs in, the can see all links, but they shouldn't.

I tried without (), with more () and with '' quotes, still nothing. Help?

<li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<!-- IF ({PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "4" OR {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "6") -->
<li><a href="plug.php?e=link">Lista 1</a></li>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF ({PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "4" OR {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "7" OR {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "6") -->
<li><a href="plug.php?e=link2">Lista 2</a></li>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF ({PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "4" OR {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "9" OR {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} = "6") -->
<li><a href="plug.php?e=link3">Lista 3</a></li>
<!-- ENDIF -->