Forums / Cotonti / Support / Announcments at the top

#14613 2009-07-20 21:12
Again, your still posting useless crap, Do you have anything usefull to say / add? Or is crap posting the only thing your good at?

And try me @ programming never said i can't programm, said I don't see the use of having a friggin forum for a CMS that can't answer normally asked questions for "PEOPLE WHO CAN'T CODE" and I'm not talking about myself here.

making a friggin plugin for Cotonti is a piece of cake, and yes i can do it within 2 mins so WTF are you talking your BS for again adding that it can't be done. If you can't code a plugin for Cotonti within 2 mins you shouldn't be calling/naming yourself coder(s)