Forums / Cotonti / Support / 0.0.6: Users age being set to nine?

#14463 2009-07-17 20:49
Seems like a bug, though I couldn't reproduce it. I registered a new account here and yes its birthday was set to 1999 November 30 but then I had no problems setting it whatever I wish (e.g. 1958 Feb 13) and the age was displayed right. Neither I had to change my birthdate when this site was updated to 0.0.6.

Could you please check what phpMyAdmin says about user_birthdate column of sed_users table? It should be DATE type.

That patch.php is required if you're updating to 0.0.6 from any previous version, including 0.0.5. But you need to only run it once.
May the Source be with you!