Forums / Cotonti / Support / Announcments at the top

#14331 2009-07-16 08:35
Well, I really dislike your attitude KillerSneak. First I don't see where you have donated to Cotonti or Neocrome. As well I can't say for neocrome for sure if you donated or not, I know without a doubt you haven't donated any money to Cotonti, as I am the maintainer of that.

On another note, everyone helps out when they can, maybe someone doesn't know how to do this, or they don't have the time.

I started out with Seditio not knowing a thing, and this is where I am now.

If you need something urgent done for your site you have 2 options, learn yourself, or pay someone. People will help you when/if they can, but no one is obligated to help you.

As for what you want, it will require more than just a minor little thing. You basically need a plugin that queries specifically announcements and or stickies. While it is simple, its not something someone can whip up in 2 minutes. As also they have to change the normal query some how to exclude announce/stickies some how.

So you either have to wait for someone to do this, learn how to yourself, or goto the offers forum and offer to pay someone to do it.