Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [RELEASE] Cotonti Awesome mod_rewrite URL System

#14127 2009-07-13 14:55
Either write a separate function for news or just edit the news template in:
and place the {PAGE_ROW_CAT} tag in the news url ^^
So that it looks: <a href="{PAGE_ROW_CAT}{PAGE_ROW_URL}">
previously: <a href="{PAGE_ROW_URL}">

Hi again;

Ever tried to add a page in the frontend having the advanced url settings as described in article? It redirects me to (page not found because no category is in the url)- hmm, what can be wrong?

Do you experience something similar? Hmmm. It's quite irritating. :) The pages are added normally but the after-add redirect is screwed.

Added 120 days later:

Somebody solved the problem described by me?
I still can't get the answer.
This post was edited by tensh (2009-11-12 18:19, 14 years ago)