Forums / Cotonti / Support / Lots of Questions

#13295 2009-06-19 02:08
1. Welcometext
Put this above {INDEX_NEWS} in your index.tpl:

	<div class="lboxHD">Welcome text</div>
	<div class="lboxBody">

goto: admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=menus
Put your text for the welcomebox in {PHP.cfg.freetext1}

2. On my Download Pages, Articles ect. is it possible to get it so the list thing on the bottom doesn't show up if there is no content. This is when I don't want the list to start on the bottom This is when I do.

You can make a group-category of it. Go to structure and click group.
A group uses and not list.tpl.
eg1 downloads here is a group with subcats : see
eg2 documents is a main cat with subcats, but not a group: see

4. can I make it so the guests can rate pages and content. I guessing this will probally be in plugin form but I can't find a plugin for it.

You can do this. But not via admin. You need to set this via the database. I can't help you, I don't know the exact command.

6. News
See admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=plug&p=news
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2009-06-19 02:17, 14 years ago)