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#13292 2009-06-19 01:41
# Lombi : 1. What you can do is use one of the menu slots in admin/configuration/menu and then put {cfg.menu1}

2. didnt understand you

5. it sure can, it's using the same system as in seditio, check the tags hq for more

6. yep, configuration in the news plugin

1. I'll have to try this

2. sry. I'm really bad at wording things. but you know when you add a page it has the bar on the bottom that says title rating, ect. what i want is to have this only show up when there is content

5. whats the tags hq ? is it in the admin pannel
Edit: never mind I googled it, is it a plugin called T3 tags HQ

and Joy thanks for the videos. It really didn't answer any questions but on one of the videos for subcategories it said to go 1.1 1.2 ect. when I go 1.01, 1.02 ect.