Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Request

#12627 2009-05-19 03:06
wait .. i respect what you guys say and all but Design is used for everything one way or another, even this CMS , the skin the code you designed it to be a CMS or built on it making it a better one, the skin on contonti has been designed , so Joy don't bother asking if you think you should get banned because if the staff/team here thought that then you wouldn't be able to ask as you already would be.

What "Koradhil" said about everyone being new at something and having to start from some where is correct it isn't something you can just do over night it takes time same with anything new you learn like PHP to me is like walking on water very very difficult but to the devs its a walk in the park (i would think)
This post was edited by chobblr (2009-05-19 03:40, 14 years ago)

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