Forums / Cotonti / Skins / [RELEASE] Introducing the SEDITIO THEME GENERATOR

#1247 2008-10-18 01:38
My team and I are proud to present the Seditio Theme Generator!

The Seditio Theme Generator is an easy-to-use online generator that creates your own custom unique Seditio theme in minutes. Without any need for HTML, JS, PHP, or CSS knowledge on your part! Change the colors, settings, layout, preview changes live, click "save" and download your unique Seditio theme zip-file INSTANTLY. Extract, upload, set, and you are done!

Current Features
    - full control over body layout
    - choice of menu design (inline, tabbed)
    - full control over all color
    - choice of background images
    - optional search
    - optional extra column
    - choice on menu location (left/right + custom width)

I am very interested in your comments, improvement ideas, feature requests and ... spotted bugs :). We will try to iron out the bugs as soon as possible.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>