Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [RELEASE] Cotonti Awesome mod_rewrite URL System

#11220 2009-04-08 20:50
So what exactly does this URL re-writing do? I still don't get it. If this is/was so important for site stats and search / rankings why wasn't this in the Cotonti release in the first place?

I tought "NO CORE HACKS WILL BE DONE FOR COTONTI" was one of the supposed "GREAT" features? So then why do you release this on the forums? Seems like you're having public beta testing this way (Like nVidia and their "great" drivers) if you have 280 Domains of yourself (seriously doubt that) why even bother releasing beta's outside of your own beta testers/team when the intention is to get this function into a later cotonti release.