Forums / Cotonti / General / MarkItUp on Index/List/Message

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#10987 2009-04-04 03:11
Heya guys, I'm working on a new plugin that uses a markitup textarea on the index, which is not possible without editing markitup files. Fortunately enough I knew how to enable use of the MarkItUp on the Index. But now I'm curious to know, why it was disabled from being used on the index, list and message pages in the first place. I figured it was to keep from being shown unintentionally but with having to call it with the class, that shouldnt be an issue.

If anyone can throw some insight my way I would greatly appreciate it, don't want to make a plugin vulnerable to hackers and if having markitup on these pages does so, I will find a new method for what I need.
[color=#CC0000]Lazymod[/color] [color=#000000]Studios[/color]