Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [RELEASE] Cotonti Awesome mod_rewrite URL System

#10684 2009-03-29 19:59
I tried it, but the site doesn't load anymore.

Site loads if I disable .htaccess

Error at that moment:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for cot_main_urls(), called in /home/k3098kru/public_html/broens/system/functions.php on line 4492 and defined in /home/k3098kru/public_html/broens/system/functions.custom.php on line 124

Can you make a copy from clipbord for the .htaccess file?

Because I see a lot of tabs in it
RewriteRule ^forum/$ 									forums.php [L]
RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)-t([0-9]*)\.html(.*)$ 			forums.php?m=posts&q=$2$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)-f([0-9]*)\.html(.*)$ 			forums.php?m=topics&s=$2$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^forum/(.*)-s([0-9]*)\.html$ 				forums.php?m=topics&s=$2$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^tags/(.*)\.html$ plug.php?e=pagesearch&what=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)\.html(.*)$						page.php?al=$2&comments=1$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ 	

Maybe I did a wrong copy paste. loads, but with errors
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2009-03-29 20:26, 15 years ago)