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Some enhancement for list.php

#1067 2008-09-16 01:25
ahh, yes :)

haha! The power of Arrays !!!
$sed_img_active['asc'] = "<img src=\"skins/".$usr['skin']."/img/system/arrow-up-active.gif\" alt=\"\" />";
$sed_img_active['desc'] = "<img src=\"skins/".$usr['skin']."/img/system/arrow-down-active.gif\" alt=\"\" />";

$arrows = array();
$params = array('title','key','date','author','owner','count','filecount');
foreach($params as $val)
	$arrows[$val]['asc']  = $sed_img_down;
	$arrows[$val]['desc'] = $sed_img_up;
$arrows[$s][$w]  = $sed_img_active[$w];
Perl - the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.
This post was edited by Orkan (2008-09-16 01:32, 15 years ago)