
Very often you need to highlight menu items or other markers depending on your location. With the index page, forums etc it is pretty much simple:

<!-- IF {PHP.z} == index --> class="selected"<!-- ENDIF -->

Pages and lists, however are more complex. You might have something like this:
... [ Articles ] [ Blogs ] ...
And each cat would have subcats, subsubcats and, of course, pages.

<!-- IF {PHP.z} == pages AND {PHP.c} == articles --><!-- ENDIF -->

and adding tpl's won't help you much if you're looking at dynamic content and a minimal set of templates. You need a tool to identify parent category for a list or a page.
This is exactly what Highlight does: highlighting items depending on the parent category. All you have to do is:
1. Download and install Cotlib
2. Download and install Highlight
3. Add

<!-- IF {PHP.LIST_PARENT} == articles --> class="selected"<!-- ENDIF -->

where you need it.

Still confused? Here's the demo: http://sandbox.seditio.by/list.php?c=articles

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