Columns list

The plugin allows you to split the list of columns in the list.tpl!


1: Unpack and upload files to this folder: / plugins /

2: Go to administration panel, and then select the "Plugins"
Click on the name of the new plug-in, but at the bottom of the plugin properties, select "Install all".

In List.tpl
Insert Tags


(LIST_TABLE_END) before <! - END: LIST_ROW ->

put before <table> <! - BEGIN: LIST_ROW ->
set </ table> after the <! - END: LIST_ROW ->

Should be like this:


<! - END: LIST_ROW ->
</ table>

The rest is in your plugin!

The number of columns and indentation.

В архиве есть инструкция на русском.

1. pieter  2009-05-31 17:16
Is there a demo or a example?
2. Dr2005alex  2009-06-01 01:32
3. NovoKain  2009-06-11 21:17
Awersome! Thanks Dr2005alex!
4. aiwass  2009-06-13 01:52
I wonder who you made the image from the page appear in the list !?!
5. malfo  2009-08-23 00:36

i like this plug, i needed to do the same for user list...
i tried to use the plugin on users page. and modify the plugin..but without success...
could you help me?

best regards ;-)
6. malfo  2009-09-04 09:43

i finally did it... i changed all "list" to "users" in the pluggin and it finally worked ;-)

thx anyway
7. tensh  2009-10-02 18:40
Beware, this plugin has a potential security issue.
8. Dr2005alex  2009-10-03 02:23
What danger?
9. tensh  2009-10-05 17:02
You shouldn't put something like $_GET['list_table']. Not to mention it's not input-secured.

Enter your site www like this:

I have just changed the number of columns.

Nobody should be able to interfere into the script.
Get rid of 'GET', use just a regular variable, like a simple $listtable.

But maybe I'm not right...? IMO it shouldn't be like this.
10. Dr2005alex  2011-03-01 07:36

Corrected on the POST method. Updated the archive. This plugin is relevant to the branch genoa.

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