EZChat 2.22 and EZChat pro

A chatroom application for community sites

*) Multiple rooms
*) smilies
*) Sound
*) Skinable (TPL en separate css files)
*) link processing
*) optimized for speed
*) Admin features
*) guest rights possible
*) Small text formatting

Read more: More info

special thnx goes to:
schulle4u for the German Language Pack and small language fix
3axap for the russian Language Pack

version 2.21 is more language independant !!

There is also an EZChat Pro version (commercial) with more features like:

Integrated shoutbox
Secure chatrooms (password protected)
and more...

More info about EZChat Pro can be found at: http://ezscript.2basix.nl/page.php?id=51

1. 3axap  2010-04-24 23:44
Cool! But blank popup java window :(
p.s Java is allow
2. ez  2010-04-25 21:14
Only if you use sound, then Java should be allowed to run...
Maybe I should put the sound enabling in the setup... ?
3. 3axap  2010-04-26 02:35
Sorry, ez, all work if name of chat room in english, if use russian - blank page.
Sound not work. Sound disabled.. incorrect java support )), but chat realy cool!
Thank you!

p.s. I cant delete russian name in chat room list)) (Only manual delete table in bd)
4. 3axap  2010-04-26 02:47
If click on close chat window and agein click on room, appired Jawa error "This chatroom is already open"
After send messegae in guest mode in chat windows appired java functions and errors))...

Heh, some bug, but realy cool chat)
5. ez  2010-04-26 03:07
I found a problem with the roomnames as well, i will fix that..
I will release 2.01 soon, this has a german language pack in it.
I am still looking for a russian pack... Can you provide this ?

I never tested with russian :), so thank you for testing that B)

If you open the room, then I store the roomname in a session cookie... to detect if you have already started this room. On closing off the room, I remove that cookie.
Maybe the removing off that cookie did not go well.
Could you check if the roomname is ok in that cookie ???
6. ez  2010-04-30 03:25
The language problems should be solved with version 2.21 .
Have fun you guys :)
7. Альф  2010-06-22 05:49
При установке - Fatal error : SQL error : Table 'мой сайт_new.sed_chatonline' doesn't exist не может создать таблицу, как установить?
8. dimik  2010-07-08 01:21
Installation does not create a table in the database.
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