Simple Contact

1. Unpack the plugin into /plugin/contact
2. Add the tags to your TPL's:

<div id='contactForm'>
<input type='button' name='contact' value='Contact' class='contact'/> or <a href='#' class='contact'>Contact</a>

3. Edit plugins/contact\data\contact.php:

$to = "";
$subject = "SimpleModal Contact Form";

4. Go into the administration panel, then the tab "Plugins", click the name of the new plugin, and at bottom of the plugin properties, select "Install all".

5. Enjoy!

1. Ross  2009-12-16 18:18
A great plugin - very elegant.
I localized it into Italian. It is uploaded here on this site.
2. vice  2010-11-03 16:04
Good plugin.
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