Random image on index (teaser)

I have put all info about his plugin on my website.

Create a random image plus a text on your homepage.
This plugin is a teaser with text

*) loads images and text with Ajax techniques randomly from a pagecat
*) a lot off settings for the cycle times, navigation, antihammer
*) autosizes the pictures to correct format (see settings)
*) Multilanguage possibilities with pagecat prefix
*) TPL files for setting your style


There is 1 special thing:

You must add the content (text) from the rloader plugin wich can be found in
the js directory of this plugin to the js/jquery.js found in cotonti root.
(So just append the text)
This will make sure that rloader always gets loaded when jquery loads...

Rloader is a jquery plugin that I have made to load resources on the fly
see: http://code.google.com/p/rloader/ for more information.

Find your index.tpl in your skin and add {PLUGIN_RANDOMIMG} to activate the plugin.
You can alter the used sizes for this plugin in the plugin settings !!

Start using it
make a pagecategory that is for your teaser.
Set that pagecategory in the plugin settings

In the file url place the images that you want to show.
In the text of the article, place the text that you want to show.

Pay attention to the istallation instructions, you must append a jquery plugin called rloader directly into the jquery.js file for this to work.
Just append it and you will be fine.

1. ez  2010-11-27 05:39
I hear no comments yet... so I figure everybody is ok with this :)
2. Dave  2012-02-19 09:01

very simple, and bad *ass nothing more to say :D

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