
MyGallery Plugin Info

With MyGallery plugin you can easily create user galleries in Cotonti-powered websites. The plugin is essentially an interface between the PFS plugin module and a jQuery gallery of a choice. We used Ad-Gallery jQuery plugin as an example.

MyGallery Capabilities and Modes
MyGallery plugin has three modes:
- View Folder Mode
- View Image Mode
- POTW Mode (display Picture(s) of the Week or random image(s) on index page)

Live demos

Version History
1.00 - First public release
1.10 - Added MFS support, cleaned up localization and templates
1.11 - Minor optimization issues, changed navigation layout

MyGallery is a commercial plugin.
See detailed info, screenshots and contact us

1. Raylandar  2016-04-08 13:42

Should be tagged as comerical plugin

2. Macik  2016-09-10 22:52
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