ezpfs (upload module)

This Project is a AJAX,JQuery based fileupload plugin.

What it does:
For now it is a replacement for the upload files and page selection part from pfs.
You can upload every file separately from the rest.

It also shows a history for the uploaded files.

Just try this plugin, you will like it.

Added support to integrate the pages.
Added direct upload and url pasting (automatically) for download section in pages.
Fixed some bugs.
Added functionality, to direct upload and pasting link,img and thumb tags into page!

@The coders
Please have a look at it, and tell me what you think.. :)
It uses JSON for the result processing.

1. esclkm  2010-03-01 04:38
please screenshots)))
2. ez  2010-03-03 15:22
The plugin is updated !!!
This version is much more than the version 1.00.
3. ez  2010-08-05 04:20
a screenshot with my integration into the editor section:

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